Scales: Blues and Major (pg.6)

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Here you can see all 5 positions and their relationship to each other on the fretboard. Practice all 5 scale positions/patterns by starting on different frets. Try starting with position/pattern 4, then move up to position/pattern 5, back to 4, back to 3 and so on. You will find that with enough practice, these will become second nature. You will also note that these are the very same patterns for both the Blues/ Minor Pentatonic Scales and the Major Pentatonic Scale. The only difference between the Minor and Major Pentatonic Scales is the location of the root notes for each pattern.

All 5 Petatonic Positions JPG


Download the midi file (894bytes) to hear all five scales played consecutively.



If you'd like to hear this with a real guitar and with some distortion, download the MP3 file. It is approximately a 3 minute download with a 56k modem 
