Neon Open All Night Gif

Guitar Scales

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Click on the links below to enter each lesson.

1. Lesson 1: Finger Exercises - These exercises will improve finger dexterity. They are also excellent warm-up exercises.

2. Lesson 2: Finger Exercises - Continued

3. Blues/Minor Pentatonic Scales: There are 5 positions illustrated with suggested fingerings. Be sure to click each position below for a large color view of each scale. Position I ; Position II ; Position III ; Position IV ; Position V ; Positions I-V Combined

4. Major Pentatonic Scales: The major scale positions are the same as the blues/minor scales. The difference that you will notice is the location of the root note which is indicated in Red on the charts. Position 1; Position II ; Position III ; Position IV ; Position V ; Positions I - V Combined




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Scales, Major and Minor

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