Chord Charts (pg.1)



Note the fingerings below each string on the chord charts. For example, the "C" chord in the first chart for chords in the Key of "C",  are played with the index, middle, and ring fingers. The numbers indicate the following fingers: 0 =  let ring open, 1 = Index finger , 2 = Middle finger, 3 = Ring finger, 4 = Pinky.  Strings that have a curved or wavy appearance are NOT played. Strum each chord with a  down-stroke while keeping a steady tempo by tapping your foot or using a metronome. After you have mastered each chord shape, play a chord for 4 beats and make a smooth transition to a different chord in the same key. It takes time to be able to move smoothly between different chords, so be patient with yourself and begin at a slow comfortable pace. Try playing just the 1st 3 major chords in a given key for a Major sound (ex. Key of C play C, F, and G7). Then try playing the Minor chords (ex. Am, Dm, E7) for a minor or blues sound. 

Chords in the Key of "C"

Chords in the Key of C

Chords in the Key of "G"

Chords in the Key of G

Chords in the Key of "F"

Chords in the Key of F

Chords in the Key of "D"

Chords in the Key of D