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Hello and Welcome to Chords

Learning to play chords is the first step in being able to play some of your favorite tunes. Be sure you have the fingering basics down before moving on to this section. I have put together some lessons with chord charts that should help you to learn some basic chords. You will also find that I have listed chords for every key signature. There are suggested fingerings that you can try to use in order to play the chords in a comfortably fashion. Play close attention to the numbers below each chart which indicate the fingerings for each chord shape.

1. Chord charts in the Key of  "C", "G", "F", and "D"

2. Chord charts in the Key of "A", "E", "B", and "B flat"

3. Chord charts in the Key of "E flat", "A flat", "D flat", "F sharp"

4. Chord Finder: Find literally hundreds of guitar chord fingerings on one page with this clever Java Script tool.


Basics in Tab and Guitar Anatomy

Rhythm and Progressions

Chords, Maj, Min, 7ths, etc.

Scales, Major and Minor

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