and welcome to Cool Links
I have listed some links that
I feel are worth investigating if you are interested in further
development and studies in guitar. Take a few minutes and
visit some of these websites for more great guitar lessons.
- Guitar Lesson
Sites -
1. Guitar
EncylcoMedia - An excellent resource for fretboard study.
2. Cyberfret
- This site is loaded with great content, video, and audio files
that you can watch or listen to with Real Player.
3. Guitar
Tricks - Learn by style or from your favorite guitar hero.
4. The
Shred Zone - Includes instruction in guitar, reviews
on guitar gear, software, and CD's. Interviews and galleries are
worth a visit.
5. Eric's
Guitar Page - Listen to Eric's MP3's and some cool tunes in MIDI
format while you learn guitar.
6. The
Guitar Mansion - Dedicated to hardrock, rock, and blues
players. Get tablature to your favorite tunes. Visit the forum.
7. The
Ultimate Guitar Page - Learn technique, theory, and get the
latest weekly riff or lick. Great for sound tips or help with
8. Guitar
for Beginners - Members now have to pay a small fee but if
you're serious learner, this could be the answer for you.
9. Guitar-Masters
- Includes lessons in jazz, and advanced studies in chords,
scales, arpeggios and technique.
(See More Links)