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I have listed some links that I feel are worth investigating if you are interested in further development and studies in guitar. Take a few minutes and visit some of these websites for more great guitar lessons.

- Guitar Lesson Sites -

1. Guitar EncylcoMedia - An excellent resource for fretboard study.

2. Cyberfret - This site is loaded with great content, video, and audio files that you can watch or listen to with Real Player.

3. Guitar Tricks - Learn by style or from your favorite guitar hero.

4. The Shred Zone - Includes instruction in guitar,  reviews on guitar gear, software, and CD's. Interviews and galleries are worth a visit.

5. Eric's Guitar Page - Listen to Eric's MP3's and some cool tunes in MIDI format while you learn guitar.

6. The Guitar Mansion - Dedicated to hardrock, rock, and blues players. Get tablature to your favorite tunes. Visit the forum.

7. The Ultimate Guitar Page - Learn technique, theory, and get the latest weekly riff or lick. Great for sound tips or help with recording.

8. Guitar for Beginners - Members now have to pay a small fee but if you're serious learner, this could be the answer for you.

9. Guitar-Masters - Includes lessons in jazz, and advanced studies in chords, scales, arpeggios and technique.


(See More Links)  

Basics in Tab and Guitar Anatomy

Rhythm and Progressions

Chords, Maj, Min, 7ths, etc.

Scales, Major and Minor

Hot Guitar Solos

Let's Talk Guitar

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