Neon Open All Night Gif

Let's Talk Guitar

Neon Cafe Gif

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Hello and Welcome to Let's Talk Guitar

My goal is to make "Night Owl Guitar Lessons" a pleasant learning environment for guitar players of all ages. I would like to create a sub-web that offers a bulletin board or discussion board where musicians from around the world would be able to interact with each other on different topics. Interacting with other musicians can be the best way to learn and often times, can be the most rewarding experience of our lives. Visit the Forum here (Coming Soon!!).

Please take a moment to complete the feedback form and share your ideas with me. Your contributions will help me develop a better learning environment and personalize these lessons for you.

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Basics in Tab and Guitar Anatomy

Rhythm and Progressions

Chords, Maj, Min, 7ths, etc.

Scales, Major and Minor

Hot Guitar Solos

Let's Talk Guitar

Helpful Links

Email us with your questions or ideas!