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Rhythm and Progressions

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Hello and Welcome to Rhythm Guitar

Have you ever had someone ask you, "Do you play rhythm or lead guitar?" So many folks have the misconception that if a person plays rhythm guitar, they are "less" of a player, or they look down upon rhythm players as if they are not as talented as a "lead" guitar player. What a fallacy! In the Guitar Licks section I talk about the importance of "Attitude". Playing rhythm guitar is one of the most challenging aspects of a being a true guitarist. It takes discipline, a "clocklike" tempo, and hours of practice to be able to set the foundation for other musicians in a band. Rhythm players like Pete Townsend, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and Keith Richards to name a few, are true experts in playing rhythm guitar. If you want to be a great guitar player, start by listening to the rhythm tracks of these players and you will be well on your way to a successful career.

The first thing you want to do to learn rhythm guitar is build up your chord vocabulary. The Chords page has many of the chords that are used in most musical compositions. Start with chords that are in a key signature that you will use most often. If you're not sure what key to learn, just begin with the first page of chords.

Be sure that you have understood the principals that were explained in the Basics Lessons before moving on to this section. Proper form is essential so that bad habits are not incorporated into your playing.

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Basics in Tab and Guitar Anatomy

Rhythm and Progressions

Chords, Maj, Min, 7ths, etc.

Scales, Major and Minor

Hot Guitar Solos

Let's Talk Guitar

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